S. Hardeep Singh ‘Dibdiba’ Sets A Record

S. Hardeep Singh ‘Dibdiba’ got his book ‘Saaka Neela Taara Ton Baad’ released on July 20, 2006. Within three weeks, he released its second edition, with extra new 40 pages. Now-a-days, when it is very hard to sell Punjabi books, it is amazing to see that the first edition of S. Hardeep Singh Dibdiba’s book was sold in a few days. When the second edition is in the market, Hardeep Singh is preparing for its third edition.

So, what is the reason behind this? Why have people of Punjab showed such interest in Hardeep Singh Dibdiba’s book? These were the questions in my mind. So I met him and asked him to explain why his book got so popularity.

Humble Dibdiba’s reply is understandable. (His interview by www.amritworld.com will be online within a day or two). By and large writers write on past or future. They do not talk about present. On the other hand, people want to know what is happening around them. People want to know what there leaders are actually doing behind the curtain.

Congratulations to S. Hardeep Singh ‘Dibdiba’ !